Publish with us 

Hi, I'm Judith — CEO of Jamjuds Publishers, a faith-based publishing company, located in Kingston, Jamaica. My mission is to help talented authors publish their books on Amazon and other Print on Demand platforms. My aim is to enable persons to realize their dreams of publishing the books on their heart, getting their message across, and impacting their lives.


Formatting/Layout for Paperback and Ebook

We will format paperback  —the way it looks and is visually organized addressing things like font selection, font size and presentation (like bold or italics), spacing, margins, alignment, columns, indentation, and lists. Ebooks are formatted for all KDP devices. 

Cover Designs, bios/blurbs, illustrations, KDP upload

We will design full covers for paperback and Ebooks, add illustrations to your book, develop blurbs, bios and  create KDP account and upload paperback and Ebook to the Amazon Platform.

Proofreading and Editing

We examine your text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling. In editing we seek to improve the overall quality of writing by enhancing flow, readability and structure.

 Publishing packages


This package includes Proofreading and editing, formatting, and layout for paperback/ebook, creation of covers, Bio/Blurb/Keyword development, KDP account creation, upload to Amazon Platform and training on the use of the platform. Price is dependent on word count. (NO ILLUSTRATIONS)

Starting at $50,000JMD  


This package includes Proofreading and editing, formatting, and layout for paperback/ebook, creation of covers, Bio/Blurb/Keyword development, KDP account creation, upload to Amazon Platform and training on the use of the platform. (CLIENTS SUPPLY THEIR OWN ILLUSTRATIONS)



This package includes Proofreading and editing, formatting, and layout for paperback/ebook, creation of covers, adding illustrations, Bio/Blurb/Keyword development, KDP account creation, upload to Amazon Platform and training on the use of the platform. (CLIENTS NEEDING ILLUSTRATIONS)


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You are always a blessing to me and I appreciate your faithfulness. God Bless you for helping me make my dream a reality.


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